
kitsune (狐, きつね, IPA: [kʲi̥t͡sɨne̞] ⓘ) are foxes that possess paranormal abilities that increase as they get older and wiser. According to folklore, the kitsune-foxes (or perhaps the "fox spirits") can bewitch people, just like the tanuki.[a] They have the ability to shapeshift into human or other forms, and to trick or fool human beings. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others, as foxes in folklore often do, other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, and lovers.
Foxes and humans lived close together in ancient Japan;[3][4] this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures. Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as its messengers. This role has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. The more tails a kitsune has, up to nine, the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Because of their potential power and influence, some people make sacrifices to them as to a deity.
General overview
Kitsune, though literally a 'fox', is rather a 'fox spirit', perhaps a type of yōkai, a creature of folklore. They are ascribed with intelligence, magical or supernatural powers, especially so with long-living foxes.[5]
The kitsune exhibit the ability of bakeru or transforming its shape and appearance,[7] and bakasu, capable of trickery or bewitching; these terms are related to the generic term bakemono meaning "spectre" or "goblin".[8] Another scholar ascribes the kitsune with being a "disorienting deity" (that makes the traveler lose his way)[9] and such capabilities were also ascribed to badgers[10] (actually tanuki or raccoon dog) and occasionally to cats (cf. bakeneko).[8][6]
The archetypal method by which the kitsune tricks (bakasu) humans is to lead them astray, or make them lose their way. The experiences of people losing their way (usually in the mountain after dark) and blaming the kitsune fox has been recounted first or secondhand to folklorists well into the present times.[b][11]
Other typical standard tricks occur as folktale[c] types: people are tricked into taking a "bath in a night-soil pot" (i.e., manure pit[12][14]), or eating "horse-dung dumpling",[15] or accepting "leaf money".[17][19][20][21]
The "fox wife" theme occurs in a number of noted medieval works (in Nihon ryōiki),[22][23] but on that theme, the story of nine-tailed vixen Tamamo-no-mae ('Jewel-algae ladyship') and sessho-seki "murder stone" deserve special attention,[24] as well as the story of a vixen Kuzunoha giving birth to the astrologist-magician Abe no Seimei.[25]
The "Fox wife" is also a folktale type category.[26][28] There is a weather myth that associates sunshine rain with the kitsune's wedding (Cf. § Kitsune no yomeiri), and the folktale type of .[30]
The fox jewel or tama (cf. § Fox jewel) sometimes occur in folktale tradition as something held important by the fox, sometimes as the item necessary for it to transform or conduct other magic.[31] This and the kitsunebi ('fox-fire') which the creature is reputed capable of firing off (cf. § Kitsunebi control) are standard parts of the pictorial depictions of kitsune, especially on a white kitsune or byakko [32] (§ Iconography).
Another dimension is that the kitsune was thought capable of spiritual possession (kitsunetsuki ), where the
There are also legends of the kitsune being used as familiars to do the biddings of their masters, called kitsune-mochi or "fox-possessors".[33] The yamabushi or lay monks training in the wild have the reputation of using kiko (気狐, lit. "air/chi fox").[34] In some cases, the fox or fox-spirit summoned is called the osaki.[35] The familiar may also be known as the kuda-gitsune (管狐, lit. "tube fox, pipe fox") because they were believed to be so small, or become so small as to fit inside a tube.[36][37]
The kitsune appears in numerous Japanese works. Noh (Kokaji ), kyogen (Tsurigitsune ), or bunraku and kabuki (Ashiya Dōman ōuchi kagami , Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura) plays derived from folk tales feature them,[38][39] as do contemporary works such as native animations, comic books and video games.[40]
[edit]The full etymology of kitsune is unknown. The oldest known usage of the word is in the text Shin'yaku Kegonkyō Ongi Shiki, dating to 794.
Other old sources include the aforementioned story in the Nihon ryōiki (810–824) and Wamyō Ruijushō (c. 934). These old sources are written in Man'yōgana, which clearly identifies the historical form of the word (when rendered into a Latin-alphabet transliteration) as ki1tune. Following several diachronic phonological changes, this became kitsune.
The fox-wife narrative in Nihon ryōiki gives the folk etymology kitsu-ne as 'come and sleep',[41][42] while in a double-entendre, the phrase can also be parsed differently as ki-tsune to mean 'always comes'.[41][43]
Many etymological suggestions have been made, though there is no general agreement:
- Myōgoki (1268) suggests that it is so called because it is "always (tsune) yellow (ki)".
- Arai Hakuseki in Tōga (1717) suggests that ki means 'stench', tsu is a possessive particle, and ne is related to inu, the word for 'dog'.
- Tanikawa Kotosuga in Wakun no Shiori (1777–1887) suggests that ki means 'yellow', tsu is a possessive particle, and ne is related to neko, the word for 'cat'.
- Ōtsuki Fumihiko in Daigenkai (1932–1935) proposes that the word comes from kitsu, which is an onomatopoeia for the bark of a fox, and ne, which may be an honorific referring to a servant of an Inari shrine.
- Nozaki also suggests that the word was originally onomatopoetic: kitsu represented a fox's yelp and came to be the general word for 'fox'; -ne signified an affectionate mood.[44]
Kitsu is now archaic; in modern Japanese, a fox's cry is transcribed as kon kon or gon gon.
Nihongi chronicle
[edit]In the Nihon Shoki (or Nihongi, compiled 720), the fox is mentioned twice, as omens.[45] In the year 657 a byakko or "white fox" was reported to have been witnessed in Iwami Province,[46][45] possibly a sign of good omen.[d] And in 659, a fox bit off the end of a creeping vine plant held by the laborer (shrine construction worker),[f] interpreted as an inauspicious omen foreshadowing the death of Empress Saimei the following year.[48][45][47]
For pre-historic considerations before the chronicles, Cf. § Foxes in Japanese archaeology
Anciently-aged foxes
[edit]Asakawa Zen'an (1850) argued that there were three classes of foxes, gradable by age, the sky or celestial tenko, the white fox byakko and black, of which the tenko was the most ancient,{{Refn|Zen'an's essay, sourced vaguely to Taiping guangji and other sources.[50] The tenko being the most ancient is citable to Dai Fu 's Gunag yi ji but had no corporeal form and was strictly a spirit[51](cf. § Classifications).
In Japanese folklore, Kitsune have as many as nine tails[52] (but this is derived straight from Chinese classics, as explained below). Generally, a greater number of tails indicates an older and more powerful Kitsune; in fact, some folktales say that a fox will only grow additional tails after it has lived 100 years.[53][g] One, five, seven, and nine tails are the most common numbers in folktales.[54]
The story was later introduced or invented (established by the 14th century), that the queen-consort Daji (Japanese pronunciation: Dakki) was really a nine-tailed fox that led to the destruction of Yin/Shang dynasty,[h] and the same vixen some 2,000 years later appeared as Tamamo-no-mae in Japan (q.v., also § Tamamo-no-mae). Tamamo clearly draws from Chinese myth and literature,[55][56][57] so her depicted as a golden-furred and kyūbi no kitsune (九尾の狐, 'nine-tailed foxes'),[58] matches precisely what the Chinese classics writes about the celestial fox (tian hu 天狐) which a 1,000 year old fox turns into.[59]
(Cf. also § Chinese parallels)
Inari Shinto deity
According to Hiroshi Moriyama, a professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture, foxes have come to be regarded as sacred by the Japanese because they are the natural enemies of rats that eat up rice or burrow into rice paddies. Because fox urine has a rat-repelling effect, Japanese people placed a stone with fox urine on a hokora of a Shinto shrine set up near a rice field. In this way, it is assumed that people in Japan acquired the culture of respecting kitsune as messengers of Inari Okami.[60]
Inari's kitsune are white, a color of a good omen.[61] They possess the power to ward off evil, and they sometimes serve as guardian spirits. In addition to protecting Inari shrines, they are petitioned to intervene on behalf of the locals and particularly to aid against troublesome nogitsune, those spirit foxes who do not serve Inari. Black foxes and nine-tailed foxes are likewise considered good omens.[62]
There can also be attendant or servant foxes associated with Inari, the Shinto deity of rice.[47] Originally, kitsune were Inari's messengers, but the line between the two is now blurred so that Inari Ōkami may be depicted as a fox. Likewise, entire shrines are dedicated to kitsune, where devotees can leave offerings.[61]
According to beliefs derived from fūsui (feng shui), the fox's power over evil is such that a mere statue of a fox can dispel the evil kimon, or energy, that flows from the northeast. Many Inari shrines, such as the famous Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto, feature such statues, sometimes large numbers of them.
Swordsmith deity
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[edit]Fox spirits are said to be particularly fond of a fried slice of tofu called aburage or abura-age, which is accordingly found in the noodle-based dishes kitsune udon and kitsune soba. Similarly, Inari-zushi is a type of sushi named for Inari Ōkami that consists of rice-filled pouches of fried tofu.[63] There is speculation among folklorists as to whether another Shinto fox deity existed in the past. Foxes have long been worshipped as kami.[64]
Actually, "abura-age" literally just means "fried in oil", and according to lore, the favorite food of the fox, used as bait for trapping or luring them, is purported to be the fried mouse or rat, according to the scenario in the kyōgen-play Tsurigitsune[65][66] and other works.[i] A scholar has surmised that whether the food be fried rodent or fried bean curd, the association with fox can be traced to the document Inari ichiryū daiji (稲荷一流大事) which gives a list of votive offerings to be made to the Dakini-ten (associated with foxes), since the list includes something called aburamono ("oil stuff")[j].[65]
Buddhist context
Smyers (1999) notes that the idea of the fox as seductress and the connection of the fox myths to Buddhism were introduced into Japanese folklore through similar Chinese stories, but she maintains that some fox stories contain elements unique to Japan.[5]
Kitsune are connected to the Buddhist religion through the Dakiniten, goddesses conflated with Inari's female aspect. Dakiniten is depicted as a female boddhisattva wielding a sword and riding a flying white fox.[67]
[edit]A number authors tried to classify and sub-classify the foxes in different ways, starting from the Heian Period, intensifying in the Edo Period.[68] A sample of it is given as anonymously undated opinions by Lafcadio Hearn.[70]Hearn 1910, pp. 224–225ff; [1896], p. 317</ref>
As a specific example, Asakawa Zen'an 's essay Zen'an zuihitsu, Book 2 (1850) gives his own conclusion that there are tenko, byakko, genko (天狐、白狐、玄狐, 'sky/celestial/, white, black foxes'), graded by age, of which the celestial is the most ancient.[50]
Hearn was of the opinion that these precise and intricate stratifications of fox kind according to learned opinion could not be reconciled with the more down-to-earth picture of the kitsune held by the common peasantry.[71]
(Cf. also § Chinese parallels)
Good versus evil, or
[edit]Hearn's observation was that the Izumo Province during the time of his residence there did conform to the idea that kitsune divided into the good, which are Inari foxes, and the bad. The worst of the bad are called ninko (人狐, lit. 'man foxes') (associated with spiritual possession), and there are other bad, called the yako/nogitsune (野狐, lit. 'field foxes').[72]
However, Hearn also doubts that such a stark differentiation between the Inari fox and possession fox (good vs. evil) had always been made by the populace in bygone times, and opines this was something imposed upon by the literati.[73] A similar verdict is rendered by Teiri Nakamura , that "practitioners of religion and the intelligentsia were the ones who made commonplace the divide between the good fox vs bad fox"[74] And it was in that milieu that Miyagawa Masakazu (宮川政運) in Book 3 of his essay work (1858) set apart zenko (善狐, 'good foxes') and yako (野狐, 'wild foxes').[75][76]
Eye for eye, favor for favor
[edit]One analysis is that the kitsune will avenge malice with malice, but generally does not repay goodwill with malice, and on the contrary, is loyal to its debt.[77] The specific example of gratitude occurs in a tale from the Kokon Chomonjū of the mid-13th century, involving the dainagon (major counselor) Yasumichi, who was pestered by a family of foxes that took up lair at his mansion, and their bake or mischief escalated to a level of intolerance. But the nobleman halted his plan to eradicate them after a fox appeared in his dream to beg mercy. The foxes after that rarely made rowdy noises, except to cry out loud to announce some good fortune about to happen.[77][80]
[edit]A ninko is an invisible fox spirit that human beings can only perceive when it possesses them.[73]
[edit]Kitsune are often presented as tricksters, preferring to victimize laymen over monks according to one anthologist,[81] (though this is certainly not the case with Hakuzōsu)
A favorite trick of the fox's trade is transformation into a beautiful woman to beguile men.[81][82] (cf. § Shape-shifters) The kitsune that initiates sexual contact may also manifest the ability to suck the life force or spirit from human beings, reminiscent of vampires or succubi.[83]
Besides the ability to transform, the kitsune is credited with kitsune other supernatural abilities such as spiritual possession (kitsunetsuki ), generating fox-fire (cf. kitsunebi and § Kitsunebi control)[84]
Some tales speak of kitsune with even greater powers, able to bend time and space, drive people mad. Another tactic is for the kitsune to confuse its target with illusions or visions. Other common goals of trickster kitsune include seduction, theft of food, humiliation of the prideful, or vengeance for a perceived slight. The kitsune may also create lightning. It willful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility, and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality.[citation needed]
Other kitsune use their magic for the benefit of their companion or hosts as long as the humans treat them with respect. As yōkai, however, kitsune do not share human morality, and a kitsune who has adopted a house in this manner may, for example, bring its host money or items that it has stolen from the neighbors. Accordingly, common households thought to harbor kitsune (kitsune-mochi, or "fox-havers") are "shunned".[85] Oddly, samurai families were often reputed to share similar arrangements with kitsune, but these foxes were considered zenko and the use of their magic a sign of prestige.[citation needed] Abandoned homes were common haunts for kitsune.[81] One 12th-century story tells of a minister moving into an old mansion only to discover a family of foxes living there. They first try to scare him away, then claim that the house "has been ours for many years, and … we wish to register a vigorous protest." The man refuses, and the foxes resign themselves to moving to an abandoned lot nearby.[86]
Tales distinguish kitsune gifts from kitsune payments. If a kitsune offers a payment or reward that includes money or material wealth, part or all of the sum will consist of old paper, leaves, twigs, stones, or similar valueless items under a magical illusion.[87] True kitsune gifts are usually intangibles, such as protection, knowledge, or long life.[88]
[edit]A kitsune may take on human form, an ability learned when it reaches a certain age—usually 100 years, although some tales say 50.[53]
As a common prerequisite for the transformation, the fox must place a leaf (or reeds, weeds) or a skull over its head.[89][90] It may have to run a circle around a tree three times to transform.[91]
Common forms assumed by kitsune include beautiful women, young girls, elderly men, and less often young boys.[92] These shapes are not limited by the fox's own age or gender,[5] and a kitsune can duplicate the appearance of a specific person.[citation needed] Kitsune are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Common belief in feudal Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a kitsune.[81] Kitsune-gao ('fox-faced') refers to human females who have a narrow face with close-set eyes, thin eyebrows, and high cheekbones. Traditionally, this facial structure is considered attractive, and some tales ascribe it to foxes in human form.[93] Variants on the theme have the kitsune retain other foxy traits, such as a coating of fine hair, a fox-shaped shadow, or a reflection that shows its true form.[94]
In some stories, kitsune retain—and have difficulty hiding—their tails when they take human form; looking for the tail, perhaps when the fox gets drunk or careless, is a common method of discerning the creature's true nature.[62] A particularly devout individual may even be able to see through a fox's disguise merely by perceiving them.[95] Kitsune can also be exposed while in human form by their fear and hatred of dogs, and some become so rattled by their presence that they revert to the form of a fox and flee.
Kitsunebi control
The kitsune was purportedly capable of firing off the kitsunebi flame from their tail by stroking it, as portrayed in the Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga (fig. right).[96]
The kitsune were also said to employ their kitsunebi to lead travelers astray in the manner of a will-o'-the-wisp.[97]
Spiritual possession
[edit]- (Kitsunetsuki)

Kitsunetsuki (狐憑き, 狐付き), also written kitsune-tsuki, literally means 'the state of being possessed by a fox'. The victim is usually said to be a young woman, whom the fox enters beneath her fingernails or through her breasts.[98] In some cases, the victims' facial expressions are said to change in such a way that they resemble those of a fox. Japanese tradition holds that fox possession can cause illiterate victims to temporarily gain the ability to read.e Though foxes in folklore can possess a person of their own will, kitsunetsuki is often attributed to the malign intents of hereditary fox employers.[99]
Stories of fox possession (kitsunetsuki) can be found in all lands of Japan, as part of its folk religion.[100] Stories of kitsunetsuki s has already been attested during the Heian period.[101][103]
From a clinical standpoint, those possessed by a fox are thought to suffer from a mental illness or similar condition.[100] Such illness explanations were already being published by the 19th century, but the superstition was difficult to eradicate.[104] (cf. § Edo period criticism)
Heian period
[edit]Early three foxes ritual
[edit]By the Heian period, the fox must have been already firmly associated with spiritual possession, since esoteric mikkyō Buddhism at the time formulated the Rokujikyō (六字経法, 'Ritual of the Sutra of the Six Letters Formula') for removing spiritual possession (or at least fox-caused illness[105]) that involved creating the effigies of the "three foxes", namely chiko (地狐, 'earth fox' or 'fox'), tenko (天狐, 'sky fox' or 'bird'), and hitogata (人形, 'human doll') out of dough and swallowing the burnt ash.[108][k][106][109][110] A related work Byakuhōshō (13th cent.) calls the three foxes sky fox, earth fox, and jinko (人狐, 'man fox'), and refers to them as the three "obstacles" ( rāhula)[112]
Hungry fox
[edit]It is said that when a fox possesses a person, it does so in order to satiate hunger, or craving for more delicacy or gourmet food. Or it may harbor a desire to be worshiped.[113]
But the possessed person himself or herself often cannot articulate what the fox's motives or wishes are. So the possession is taken over by a miko exorcist temporarily, who can speak on behalf of the devil. Such is the turn of events in e.g the narrative (setsuwa) of the 11th century Uji shūi monogatari No. 4.[114][115][116]
Muromachi and Edo period
[edit]The idea of fox possession arguably became more widespread in the fifteenth century.[102]
The rational explanation as an illness had already appeared in print in the work Jinko benwaku dan (人狐弁惑談, 'Discourse on the clarification of misunderstandings about the man-fox') (1818).[117][104] But the superstition would persistently remain entrenched in the populace for many more years.[104][118]
Persisting superstition
[edit]Folklorist Lafcadio Hearn describes the condition in the late 19th century Izumo Province as follows:
Strange is the madness of those into whom demon foxes enter. Sometimes they run naked shouting through the streets. Sometimes they lie down and froth at the mouth, and yelp as a fox yelps. And on some part of the body of the possessed a moving lump appears under the skin, which seems to have a life of its own. Prick it with a needle, and it glides instantly to another place. By no grasp can it be so tightly compressed by a strong hand that it will not slip from under the fingers. Possessed folk are also said to speak and write languages of which they were totally ignorant prior to possession. They eat only what foxes are believed to like – tofu, aburagé, azukimeshi,[l], etc. – and they eat a great deal, alleging that not they, but the possessing foxes, are hungry.[119]
He goes on to note that, once freed from the possession, the victim would never again be able to eat tofu, azukimeshi (i.e. sekihan or "red bean rice"), or other foods favored by foxes.
Attempting to rid someone of a fox spirit was done via an exorcism, often at an Inari shrine.[120] [119] If a priest was not available or if the exorcism failed, alleged victims of kitsunetsuki might be badly burned or beaten in hopes of driving out the fox spirits. The whole family of someone thought to be possessed might be ostracized by their community.[119]
Kitunetsuki remained a common diagnosis for mental illness until the early 20th century.[101] Possession was the explanation for the abnormal behavior displayed by the afflicted individuals. In the late 19th century, Shunichi Shimamura noted that physical diseases that caused fever were often considered kitsunetsuki.[121] The superstition has lost favor, but stories of fox possession still occur, such as allegations that members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult had been possessed.[122]
Clinical analysis
[edit]Kitunetsuki remained a common diagnosis for mental illness until the early 20th century.[101]
Clinical psychiatric studies of the kitsunetsuki were still made during the Meiji Era (end of 20th century), especially around Shimane (Hearn's home province) where kitsunetsuki remained prevalent.[123] A German doctor coined the term alopecanthropy for it, in 1885.[118]
Symptoms include cravings for rice or sweet adzuki beans, listlessness, restlessness, and aversion to eye contact. This sense of kitsunetsuki is similar to but distinct from clinical lycanthropy.[124]
Familiar spirits
[edit]There are families that tell of protective fox spirits, and in certain regions, possession by a kuda-gitsune,[100] osaki,[92][125] yako,[100] and hito-gitsune are also called kitsunetsuki.[100][125] These families are said to have been able to use their fox to gain fortune, but marriage into such a family was considered forbidden as it would enlarge the family.[100] They were also said to be able to bring about illness and curse the possessions, crops, and livestock of enemies.[125] This caused them to be considered taboo by the other families, which led to societal problems.[125]
The great amount of faith given to foxes can be seen in how, as a result of the Inari belief where foxes were believed to be Inari no Kami or its servant, they were employed in practices of dakini-ten by mikkyō and shugendō practitioners and in the oracles of miko; the customs related to kitsunetsuki can be seen as having developed in such a religious background.[100]
Wives and lovers
[edit]Kitsune are commonly portrayed as lovers, usually in stories involving a young human male and a kitsune who takes the form of a human woman.[126] The kitsune may be a seductress, but these stories are more often romantic in nature. Typically, the young man unknowingly marries the fox, who proves a devoted wife. The man eventually discovers the fox's true nature, and the fox-wife is forced to leave him. In some cases, the husband wakes as if from a dream, filthy, disoriented, and far from home. He must then return to confront his abandoned family in shame.
Nihon Ryōiki
[edit]The earliest "fox wife" (kitsune nyōbo (狐女房)[127]) tale type, concerning a wife whose identity as fox is revealed after being frightened by the house pet dog,[129]) occurs in Nihon Ryōiki, an anthology of Buddhist tales compiled around 822.[130][131] The plotline involves a man who takes a wife, whose identity is later revealed to be a fox pretending to be a woman.
In this story,[132] a man from Ōno no kōri , Mino Province[m][n] found and married a fox-wife, who bore a child by him. But the household dog born the same time as the baby always harassed the wife, until one day frightened her so much she transformed back into a yakan (野干), construed to mean "wild fox".[127][o][43] Although the husband and wife become separated (during the day), she fulfills the promises to come sleep with him every night,[p] hence the Japanese name of the creature, meaning "come and sleep" or "come always", according to the folk etymology presented in the tale.[43][41][135][136]
Alternate versions of the fox-wife tale appeared later during the Kamakura-period in the works Mizukagami and Fusō Ryakuki of the 12th century.[43]
The fox-wife's descendants were also depicted as doing evil things by taking advantage of their power.[140] According to the foregoing story, the fox-wife's child became the first ancestor of the surname Kitsune-no-atae (狐直).[135][136] However, in another tale from the Nihon Ryōiki, a story was told about a ruffian female descendant;[141][142] the tale was also placed in the repertoire of the later work Konjaku monogatari.[142][143] Here, the woman nicknamed "Mino kitsune" (Mino fox), was tall and powerful and engaged in open banditry seizing goods from merchants.[141][142]
Abe no Seimei
A well-known example of the fox woman motif involves the astrologer-magician Abe no Seimei, to whom was attached a legend that he was born from a fox-woman (named Kuzunoha), and taken up in a number of works during the early modern period, commonly referred to as "Shinoda no mori" ("Shinoda Forest") material (cf. below).[144]
The historical Abe no Seimei later developed a fictional reputation of being the scion of fox-kind, and his extraordinary powers became associated with that mixed bloodline.[145] Seimei was purported to have been born a hybrid between the (non-historical) Abe no Yasuna,[147] and a white fox rescued by him that gratefully assumed the shape of the widower's sister-in-law, Kuzunoha[q] to become his wife, a piece of fantasy with the earliest known example being the Abe no Seimei monogatari printed 1662, and later adapted into puppet plays (and kabuki) bearing such titles as Shinodazuma ("The Shinoda Wife", 1678) and Ashiya Dōman ōuchi kagami ("A Courtly Mirror of Ashiya Dōman", 1734).[149][150][148]
Konjaku monogatari
[edit]Another medieval "fox wife" tale is found in the Konjaku monogatarishū (c. 11–12th century), Book 16, tale number 17, concerning the marriage of a man named Kaya Yoshifuji,[r] but the same narrative about this man and the fox had already been written down by Miyoshi Kiyotsura (d. 919) in Zenka hiki[s] and quoted in the Fusō ryakki entry for the 9th month of Kanpyō 8 (Oct./Nov. 896),[151][152] so it is in fact quite old.[t]
Otogi zōshi
[edit]Later the medieval novella Kitsune zōshi (or Kitsune no sōshi) appeared,[144] which may be included in the Otogi-zōshi genre[154] under the broader definition,[155] and the Kobata-gitsune include in the 23 titles of the Otogi-zōshi "library" proper.[144][155] It has also been noted that the context in Kitsune zōshi, which is no longer a fox-wife tale strictly speaking, since the man is a Buddhist monk, and though he and the bewitching fox-woman spend a night of sensuality together, he is not taking on a spouse, and he merely suffers humiliation.[154]

The story about the Lady Tamamo-no-Mae developed in the 14th century, claiming that the vixen captivated the Emperor Konoe (reigned 1141–1155).[157] This was a truly ancient nine-tailed fox, since two thousand years before that, she had been queen-consort Daji to King Zhou of Yin/Shang (Japanese: In no Chū-ō (殷の紂王)), bringing about the downfall of the dynasty.[158][57] allowing the Western Zhou dynasty to come into being, only to cause its fall too by assuming the persona of the concubine Bao Si and seducing its last emperor.[56][55]
Even before coming to China, Tamamo was consort to King Hanzoku (Kalmashapada of India; cf. figure right below).[56]
Takeda Shingen
[edit]Stephen Turnbull, in Nagashino 1575, relates the tale of the Takeda clan's involvement with a fox-woman. The warlord Takeda Shingen, in 1544, defeated in battle a lesser local warlord named Suwa Yorishige and drove him to suicide after a "humiliating and spurious" peace conference, after which Shingen forced marriage on Suwa Yorishige's beautiful 14-year-old daughter Lady Koi—Shingen's own niece. Shingen, Turnbull writes, "was so obsessed with the girl that his superstitious followers became alarmed and believed her to be an incarnation of the white fox-spirit of the Suwa Shrine, who had bewitched him in order to gain revenge." When their son Takeda Katsuyori proved to be a disastrous leader and led the clan to their devastating defeat at the battle of Nagashino, Turnbull writes, "wise old heads nodded, remembering the unhappy circumstances of his birth and his magical mother".[159]
Edo Period
[edit]Edo Period scholar Hayashi Razan's Honchō jinja kō ("Study of the Shrines of our Country", 1645) records the lore concerning a man from the Tarui clan,[160] who wedded a fox and begot the historical Tarui Gen'emon .
Ancestral lines
[edit]A number of stories of this type tell of fox-wives bearing children. When such progeny are human, they possess special physical or supernatural qualities that often pass to their own children.[62]
As aforementioned, the fox wife in the Nihon ryōiki tale gave rise to the ancestral line of the Kitsune-no-atae clan,[135][136] and a woman of great strength named "Mino kitsune" belonged to that heritage.[141][142]
Kitsune no yomeiri
Other stories tell of kitsune marrying one another. Rain falling from a clear sky—a sunshower—is called kitsune no yomeiri or the kitsune's wedding, in reference to a folktale describing a wedding ceremony between the creatures being held during such conditions.[161] The event is considered a good omen, but the kitsune will seek revenge on any uninvited guests,[162] as is depicted in the 1990 Akira Kurosawa film Dreams.[163]
Fox jewel
There is the notion that the kitsune is in possession of a supernatural luminous jewel or tama lodged in their tail (or possibly kept externally), while in the Chinese version the mythical fox has a special jewel or pearl embedded inside its heart.[164][31] The jewel on the tail tip is also depicted in Buddhist temple art.[u][165]
A fox's jewel is described as a round white object the size of a small mandarin orange[v] in a tale from the Konjaku monogatarishū compilation (12th century). The miko (female "exorcist") acting as spiritual medium for the fox is playing with it,[w] and a samurai snatches it away.[167][168][169][170][171][x]
It is held that the fox jewel is necessary for the fox to change shape, or use its magical power.[31] Another tradition is that the pearl represents the kitsune's soul; the kitsune will die if separated from it for too long.[citation needed]
An anecdote is recorded in the 18th century, which purports that an actual fox jewel was stolen from the creatures by several temple samurai, causing the temple's high priest (sōjō , "bishop") distress, prompting its return to the foxes. The stone flashed kitsunebi fire according to the account.[y][174][176]
The fox jewel was frequently discussed under the name of 宝珠の玉 (hōju no tama, 'treasure-gem jewel', "cintamani") in the post-medieval period, and stories about hōshi no tama (ホーシの玉) is common in the popular telling (recorded oral literature), which often speaks of such stone or tufty object being found or acquired and given over to the custody of a temple, etc., to be enshrined.[z][179][180]
(Cf. § Iconography).
[edit]In traditional art, the white fox or byakko has been a favorite theme into the Meiji era.[32]
And the phosphorescent fox is not only depicted with the kitsune-bi fire floating above their heads, but with a luminous jewel (tama) at its tail tip, which Lafcadio Hearn surmises is the same tama from Buddhism (cf. Mani Jewel and § Fox jewel).[32]
Fox Jewels are a common symbol of Inari and representations of sacred Inari foxes without them are rare.[181]
In the Buddhist context, the fox is standardly depicted as the creature on which the goddess Dakini rides. The luminous jewel is depicted on the fox's tail.[165]
Chinese parallels
[edit]Folktales from China tell of fox spirits called húli jīng (Chinese: 狐狸精) also known as nine-tailed fox (Chinese: 九尾狐) that may have up to nine tails. These fox spirits were adopted into Japanese culture through merchants as kyūbi no kitsune (九尾の狐, lit. 'nine-tailed fox').[182]
The earliest "fox wife" (kitsune nyōbo (狐女房)[127]) tale type in Japan in Nihon Ryōiki (Cf. § Wives and lovers) bears close resemblance to[183] the Tang dynasty Chinese story Renshi zhuan ("The Story of Lady Ren", c. 800),[aa][ab] and the possibility has been suggested that this is a remake of the Chinese version.[ac][186] A composite fashioned from the confluence of Tang dynasty wonder tales (chuanqi genre, as exemplified by the Renshi zhuan) and earlier wonder tales (Zhiguai genre) has also been proposed.[188]
The trope of the fox as femme fatale in Japanese literature also originates from China. Ōe no Masafusa (d. 1111) in Kobiki or Kobi no ki (狐眉記, A record of fox spirits)[189][57][ad] The femme fatale vixen was the mult-millenarian Tamamo-no-mae who was queen-consort during the Yin/Shang dynasty of China according to the fantastic tale.[158][57]
Foxes in Japanese archaeology
[edit]The oldest relationship between the Japanese people and the fox dates back to the Jomon period necklace made by piercing the canine teeth and jawbone of the fox.[3][4]
In popular culture
A traditional game called kitsune-ken ('fox-fist') references the kitsune's powers over human beings. The game is similar to rock paper scissors, but the three hand positions signify a fox, a hunter, and a village headman. The headman beats the hunter, whom he outranks; the hunter beats the fox, whom he shoots; the fox beats the headman, whom he bewitches.[191][192]
The kitsune figures in animations, comic books and video games.[193]
Japanese metal idol band Babymetal refer to the kitsune myth in their lyrics and include the use of fox masks, hand signs, and animation interludes during live shows.[194]
Western authors of fiction have also made use of the kitsune legends although not in extensive detail.[195][196][197]
See also
[edit]- Fox spirit, a general overview about this being in East Asian folklore
- Huli jing – a Chinese fox spirit
- Kumiho – a Korean fox spirit
- Hồ ly tinh – a Vietnamese fox spirit
- Foxes in popular culture, films and literature
- Hakuzōsu
- Reynard the Fox – Cycle of medieval, allegorical, Belgian fable
- The Sacred Book of the Werewolf
- The Sandman: The Dream Hunters
- Sessho-seki
- Tamamo-no-Mae
- Wild fox koan
[edit]- ^ The racoon dog ascribed supernatural abilities, though commonly referred to as the "badger" by Western orientalists, e.g. de Visser.[2]
- ^ Ito says "someone" losing the way, which is understood to mean the informant or someone other.
- ^ And subtypes of folktales called seken banashi , "chat over trifles of life", used by Itsuko Yamada who is cited.
- ^ The translator Aston's footnoted opinion that this was a good omen[46] is endorsed by Smyers.[47]
- ^ Watanabe 1974, p. 87: "The reasons given by the Nihon Shoki for renovating the [Kumano] [S]hrine were that a fox had appeared in the Ou district, bitten off a piece of vine, and then disappeared..[and] a dog had bitten off the forearm.. and left it at Iuya Shrine"
- ^ Although Aston translated that the governor (Kuni no miyatsuko) was ordered to repair the "Istuki Shrine",[48] modern scholarship identify this as the Kumano Taisha in Ou District , Izumo Province.[e][49] And it was a conscripted laborer from this Ou District who was holding the vine, which was a construction material for rebuilding the shrine, according to Ujitani's translation.[49]
- ^ The typical lifespan of a wild fox is one to three years, although individuals may live up to ten years in captivity.
- ^ The Western Zhou which succeeded was also destroyed in the end by her becoming concubine to its last emperor).
- ^ Also early versions of the bunraku play Shinoda zuma ("The Shinoda wife"). Odanaka & Iwai 2020, p. 109: "in the early bunraku version (The Shinoda Wife) [...] she is attracted by the smell of a fried mouse [...] (the idea is also found in Tsuri-Gitsune)"
- ^ "On the item of offerings: sekihan (red rice), mochi, sake, sweets, aburamono 供物之事赤飯・餅・一酒・真菓子・油物"
- ^ The hitogata in the context of onmyōdō normally thought of as being a "paper figurine" (cf. Rappo 2023, p. 43), but Lomi points out that the "flour, poison, juice" mixture was plausibly used, though not explict in the Ritual text. Nakamura states the material as men (麺) which nowadays may mean "noodle" but archaically can be read as "wheat flour" (mugiko), hence "dough".
- ^ Or sekihan. Cf. below.
- ^ Ōno no kōri means roughly "Ōno County", and now corresponds to the village of Ōno,[133] now the town of Ōno, in Ibi District, Gifu,[133] or rather, the eastern portion of Ibi District.[134]
- ^ The archaic place-name is read Ōno-no-kōri (大野郡) in medieval geography. Although translated as "Ōno district",[135][136] it probably should be clarified that the modern day Ōno District, Gifu (Ōno-gun) lies in the north central part of the prefecture, whereas the actual setting of the tale occurs in Ibi District,[133][134] at the southwest end of the prefecture, a completely different location. Hamel's book mistook "Ono (Ōno)" to be the man's name (surname).[137]
- ^ The term yakan comes from Buddhist scripture, and in the original context referred to a different animal, perhaps a jackal.[138][139]
- ^ Hamel 1915, p. 89: "So every evening she stole back and slept in his arms".
- ^ "Kuzunoha" means "leaf of kuzu or vine".[148]
- ^ Japanese: 賀陽良藤.
- ^ Japanese: 善家秘記.
- ^ The Kaya Yoshifuji was later also included in the Buddhist historical text Genkō Shakusho (14th century), Book 29 supplement "Shūi shi 拾異志".[144][153]
- ^ Where the fox is the mount on which the goddess Dakini rides.
- ^ Probably considerably smaller than mandarin orange. The text reads shōkōji (小柑子) prefixed "small". The "big" or ōkōji is today's koji orange (thin-skinned mikan), while the "small" shōkōji is today's tachibana orange or evern kumquat according to one explanation.[166]
- ^ The exorcist bit is lost in translation, and replaced by the patient possessed by the fox in, e.g., Nozaki's text.
- ^ This fox in this tale obfuscates on what the function of the jewel might be. The focus is on the fox's gratefulness, the moral being: humans ought to act as honorably as such mere critters[172]). The kitsune(inhabiting the exorcist) begs for its return, and promises to become the samurai's guardian spirit. The fox later honors the pact by leading the man out of harm's way past a band of armed robbers.[170]
- ^ This occurrence purportedly took place at Chikurin-in (竹林院) in Ōmi Province. It was communicated to author Kiuchi by his brother named Yoshitake (義武) who served as samurai at that temple.
- ^ The meaning of hōshi written phonetically in kana is ambiguous. It has been redacted as hōshi no tama (法師の玉, 'priest jewel') on Oki Islands,[177] or hoshi no tama (星の玉, 'star jewel') in Miyagi Prefecture.[178]
- ^ Renshi zhuan (任氏傳, Japanese: Ninshiden. This story of "Miss Ren" belongs in the chuanqi genre,[130] and according to Nakata, it emphasizes human emotions like the Japanese Nihon Ryōiki tale, in contrast to the fox wife tale in Soushen ji (搜神記;; "In Search of the Supernatural"), which is classed in the earlier Zhiguai genre.
- ^ The Chinese wife or concubine (Lady Ren or Lady Jen) also exposes her fox identity after being barked at by a dog,[184][144]
- ^ The legend of Miss Ren known in Japan to Ōe no Masafusa (11–12th cent.) who mentioned two classical Chinese instances in his Kobiki (cf. infra)[57][185]
- ^ Masafusa borrowed the term kobi (Chinese pronunciation: humei) makes reference to seductive fox spirits, though he altered the meaning somewhat.[157] The original Chinese meaning refers specifically to foxes that transform into beautiful women.[190]
[edit]- ^ Yoshitori, Tsukioka. "from the series One hundred aspects of the moon". National Gallery of Victoria, Australia. Archived from the original on 2016-08-26. Retrieved 2016-04-25.
- ^ de Visser 1908a.
- ^ a b Kaneko, Hiromasa (1984) Kaizuka no jūkotsu no chishiki: hito to dōbutsu no kakawari 貝塚の獣骨の知識―人と動物とのかかわり. pp. 127–128. Tokyo bijutsu. ISBN 978-4808702298
- ^ a b Seino, Takayuki (2009) Hakkutsu sareta Nihon retto 2009 発掘された日本列島2009. p. 27. Agency for Cultural Affairs. ISBN 978-4022505224
- ^ a b c Smyers 1999, pp. 127–128.
- ^ a b c Miyao, Yoshio [in Japanese] (2009). Taiyaku nihon mukashibanashishū 対訳日本昔噺集 [Japanese Fairy Tale Series]. Vol. 2. Sairyūsha. p. 220. ISBN 9784779114472.
- ^ As in the as in the proverbial kitsune shichi bake, tanuki ya bake (狐七化け、狸八化け, 'fox shapeshifts 7 times, raccoon dog shapeshifts 8 times').[6]
- ^ a b Casal 1959, p. 6.
- ^ Itō's translation for madoeshi kami (迷ヘシ神, 'beguiling god') which he takes from a title of a tale in Konjaku monogatarishū. Itō also uses the term kitsubaka (狐化, "Bewitching Fox") but this is not standard vocabulary for a lay person (not listed in Kōjien, 2nd rev. ed.), and perhaps is insider jargon, as Itō provides the instance of its use among researchers doing this type of fieldwork.
- ^ Casal 1959, pp. 6, 14.
- ^ Itō 2023, p. 21; Itō, Ryōhei [in Japanese] (March 1999). "Madowashigami-gata kitsubakatan no kōsatsu" 「迷ハシ神」型狐化譚の考察. Mukashibanashi densetsu kenkyū 昔話伝説研究 (19). ISSN 1342-2790.
- ^ The fox may also trick people into falling into this koe dame (肥溜め, 'manure pit')[6]
- ^ a b Hearn 1910, p. 242; [1896], p. 336
- ^ Lafcadio Hearn: "enter a cesspool in the belief they are taking a bath"[13]
- ^ Heran: "eat horse-dung in the belief they are eating mochi"[13]
- ^ Seki 1966, pp. 57–58.
- ^ "104. Taking a Bath in a Nigh-soil Pot", "105. The Horse-dung Dumpling", "105. The Horse-dung Dumpling", "105. Leaf Money"[16]
- ^ Seki, Keigo (1955). "25. Hito to Kitsune: #270 Shiri nozoki - #287 Kitsune no bakekurabe" 25. 人と狐: #270 尻のぞき - #287 狐の化け比べ [25. Man and Fox: #270 Buttock peeking - #287 Fox's shapeshift contest]. Nihon mukashibanashi shūsei II.iii (honkaku mukashibanashi) 日本昔話集成. 第2部 第3 (本格昔話). Kadokawa. pp. 1306–1372.
- ^ Keigo Seiki first published his folktale type in Japanese, but it used a different numbering system. So in Seki's Nihon mukashibanashi shūsei (日本昔話集成) (or ~taisei (大成)), the major category is honkaku or genuine type mukashibanashi tale, mid-category is "People and Foxes" (#270-#287) of which we have as sampled by the sources #270 shiri nozoki (「尻のぞき」, 'butt-peeking'), #271A furo wa koetsubo (「風呂は肥壺」, 'bath is nightsoil pit'), #271B uma no kuso dango (「馬の糞団子」, 'horse dung dumpling'), #274uma no kuso dango (銭は木の葉」, 'money is tree-leaf')[18]
- ^ Yamada, Itsuko (1985-02-28). "Seken banashi no bunrui: Yamanashi ken Fujishi no jirei wo chūshin ni" 世間話の分類―山梨県富士吉田市の事例を中心に―. Bulletin of the Graduate School, Toyo University 東洋大学大学院紀要. 21. ISSN 1342-2790.
- ^ Yamauchi, Yasuko (1980). "(Book Review) Inada Kōji・Ozawa Toshiwo hoka hen Nihon mukashibanashi tsūgan dai 19 kan Okayama" (書評)稲田浩二・小沢俊夫他編『日本昔話通観第19巻岡山』. 国文学年次別論文集: 国文学一般. pp. 466, 469.
- ^ Bathgate 2004. Chapter 2. "Foxes, Wives and Spirits: Shapeshifting and the Language of Marriage", pp. 33–70
- ^ Bathgate 2004. Chapter 2. "Foxes, Wives and Spirits: Shapeshifting and the Language of Marriage", pp. 33–70
- ^ Bathgate 2004. Chapter 1. "The Jewel Maiden and the Murder Stone: Orientations to Shapeshifting and Signification", pp. 1–32
- ^ Bathgate 2004. Chapter 5.
- ^ Nihon mukashibanashi shūsei II.i (honkaku mukashibanashi), # 116ABC kitsune nyōbō (「狐女房」, 'fox wife'), pp. 161–170
- ^ Seki 1966, p. 78.
- ^ "147. Fox Wife".[27]
- ^ Seki 1955, p. 1362.
- ^ #285 kitsune no yometori (「狐の嫁取」, 'fox's wife-taking').[29]
- ^ a b c Smyers 1999, p. 126.
- ^ a b c Hearn 1910, p. 221 and note.
- ^ Casal 1959, pp. 20ff
- ^ Casal 1959, p. 24.
- ^ Casal 1959, pp. 24–25.
- ^ Casal 1959, p. 25.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, pp. 66, 92, 109, 111, 157.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 109–124.
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 241: "the most interesting part of fox-literature belongs to the Japanese stage". However, Hearn's example which he excepts as if it is a play with dialogues, is Hizakurige, an Edo Period novel widely known in Japan.
- ^ Nakamura, Miri (2014). "Kitsune". In Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. pp. 358–360. ISBN 978-1-4724-0060-4.
- ^ a b c Smyers 1999, p. 72.
- ^ Brinkley 1902, pp. 197–198.
- ^ a b c d de Visser 1908a, p. 20.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 3.
- ^ a b c de Visser 1908a, p. 12.
- ^ a b Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Translated by Aston, W. G. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner. 1924 [1896]. 2: 252.
- ^ a b c Smyers 1999, p. 76.
- ^ a b Aston 1924, 2: 252
- ^ a b Nihon shoki: zenyaku gendaibun 日本書紀: 全訳現代文 (in Japanese). Vol. 2. Translated by Ujitani, Tsutomu [in Japanese]. Osaka: Sōgei shuppan. 1986. p. 196.
- ^ a b c Asakawa, Zen'an [in Japanese] (1891) [1850]. "Zen'an zuihitsu: Konata ni tengu to ieru mono" 善庵随筆:此方に天狗といへるもの. In Imaizumi, Sadasuke [in Japanese]; Hatakeyama, Takeshi [in Japanese] (eds.). Hyakka setsurin 百家説林 (in Japanese). Vol. 3. Yoshikawa Hanshichi. p. 671; no column edition@ ndl
- ^ Zenan's essay (1891)'s: ""精神のみ存在して形はなし"[50] exactly echoes de Visser (1908a)'s "mere spirit (精神) without shape".de Visser 1908a, p. 35
- ^ Smyers 1999, p. 129.
- ^ a b Hamel 1915, p. 91.
- ^ "Kitsune, Kumiho, Huli Jing, Fox". 2003-04-28. Retrieved 2006-12-14.
- ^ a b de Visser 1908a, p. 8.
- ^ a b c Bathgate 2004, p. 3.
- ^ a b c d e Goff 1997, pp. 67–68.
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 241; [1896], p. 335
- ^ Smyers 1999, p. 129 collates from her cited source, Mayers, William Frederick (1924) The Chinese Reader's manual , p. 65, cites two sources, Yuan zhong ji (元中記, 1834) (originally called Xuan zhong ji 玄中記 attributed to Guo Pu. Under either title, the relevant quote reads: "狐五十歲能變化為婦人;百歲為美女、為神巫,或為丈夫,與女人交接,能知千里外事,善蠱惑,使人迷惑失智;千歲即與天通為天狐" stating the fox at 50 learns to transform, at 100 becomes a beautiful woman,.. becomes aware of things 1000 li away ... ) and then (to quote Mayer) "when a 1,000 years old, is admitted to the Heavens and becomes the 'celestial fox'". The "celestial fox" is described as golden-haired, nine-tailed, and "versed in all secrets of nature" in the second source, Liu tie 六帖 or Bai Kong Liu tie: 白孔六帖: "天狐言九尾金色役於日月宫可洞逹".
- ^ Hiroshi Moriyama. (2007) 「ごんぎつね」がいたころ――作品の背景となる農村空間と心象世界. pp.80–84. Rural Culture Association Japan.
- ^ a b Hearn 1910, pp. 223–224; [1896], p. 317
- ^ a b c Ashkenazy 2003, p. 148
- ^ Smyers 1999, p. 96.
- ^ Smyers 1999, pp. 77, 81.
- ^ a b Ōmori 2003.
- ^ Odanaka & Iwai 2020, p. 109.
- ^ Smyers 1999, pp. 82–85.
- ^ Nakamura 2003, pp. 322–325.
- ^ Hearn's Gimpses; translated by Teiichi Hirai. (1964) Nihon bekken ki 1, Gutenberg21
- ^ One unidentified source claims the four superior types are the byakko, kokko, zenko, reiko (白狐、黒狐、善狐、霊狐, 'white, black, good, spiritual foxes')[69]
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 224: "One cannot possibly unravel the confusion of these beliefs, especially among the peasantry".
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 224: "I have only been able after a residence of fourteen months in Izumo.. etc., [made] the following very loose summary".
- ^ a b Hearn 1910, p. 224.
- ^ Nakamura 2003, p. 365:"善狐と悪狐の分離実体化を一般化したのは、宗教者と知識人"
- ^ Titled Miyagawa-no-ya manpitsu or Kyūsensha manpitsu (宮川舎漫筆).
- ^ Nakamura 2003, p. 365.
- ^ a b Lloyd, Arthur (1912). "Demons and Spirits (Japanese)". In Hastings, James; Selbie, John Alexander; Gray, Louis Herbert (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Vol. 4. Scribner. p. 610.
- ^ Sakurai, Hide (1929). Shinkō to fūzoku 信仰と風俗 (in Japanese). Yuzankaku. p. 109–110.
- ^ Tyler 1987, pp. 114–115.
- ^ Kokon Chomonjū, Book 17, Henge (変化, 'transformation'), no title, incipit: "大納言泰道の五條坊門高倉の亭..".[78] Translated by Tyler as "Enough is Enough",[79]
- ^ a b c d Tyler 1987, p. xlix.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 26.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 26, 221.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 25.
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 234; [1896], p. 328
- ^ Tyler 1987, pp. 122–124.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 195.
- ^ Smyers 1999, pp. 103–105.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 25–26.
- ^ Komatsu 1990, pp. 49, 53, 56 apud Smyers 1999, p. 126
- ^ Mayer 1984 140 apud Smyers 1999, p. 126
- ^ a b Minzokugaku kenkyūsho 民俗学研究所, ed. (1951). "Kitsunetsuki" 狐憑. Minzokugaku jiten 民俗学辞典 (in Japanese). Tōkyōdō shuppan. pp. 137–138. NCID BN01703544.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 95, 206.
- ^ Hearn 1910, p. 225; [1896], p. 321
- ^ Heine, Steven (1999). Shifting Shape, Shaping Text: Philosophy and Folklore in the Fox Koan. University of Hawaii Press. p. 153. ISBN 978-0-8248-2150-0.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 25, 202.
- ^ Addiss 1985, p. 137.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 59.
- ^ Blacker, Carmen (1999). The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan (PDF). Routledge. p. 52. ISBN 978-1-873410-85-1.
- ^ a b c d e f g Miyamoto, Kesao [in Japanese] (1980). "Kitsunetsuki" 狐憑き キツネツキ. In Sakurai, Tokutarō [in Japanese] (ed.). Minkan shinkō jiten 民間信仰辞典 (in Japanese). Tōkyōdō shuppan. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-4-490-10137-9.
- ^ a b c Nozaki 1961, p. 211.
- ^ a b Smits 1996, p. 84.
- ^ The diary of Fujiwara no Sanesuke (d. 1046), recording that the priestess of Ise Grand Shrine was purportedly possessed.[102]
- ^ a b c Komatsu, Kazuhiko [in Japanese] (1992). Mongatari bungei no hyōgenshi 憑霊信仰. Minshū shūkyōshi sōsho 民衆宗教史叢書 30. Yuzankaku. pp. 288–299. ISBN 9784639010937.
- ^ Lomi 2014, pp. 256, 263.
- ^ a b Nakamura 2003, p. 322.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, p. 36.
- ^ Nakamura points out that the avian soul-possessor, actually a kite being called a "sky fox" further indicates how much the "fox" was the stereotypical soul-possessing creature. The term sky fox as used in China had a different meaning, a supernatural evolution of an aged fox, which Nakamura notes also. It is pointed out that the terms tenko "skyfox" and tengu "skydog" were once often mixed up,[106] and a work as late as the Ainōshō (1445) states the same.[107] The tengu or rather karasutengu are familiarly depicted as winged or birdlike.
- ^ Lomi 2014, pp. 272–273.
- ^ Rappo 2023, pp. 43, 56.
- ^ Nakamura 2003, p. 323.
- ^ Chōen (澄円) (c.1278–87) Byakuhōshō (白宝抄), Book 51: "天狐はトビの形也。地狐はキツネの形也。人狐は女人形也。これ天地人の障礙「神形也」"[111]
- ^ de Visser (1908), p. 148.
- ^ Uji shūi monogatari, No. 4. 狐、人に憑きてしとぎ食ふ事.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, p. 39.
- ^ Foster, Michael Dylan (2024). The Book of Yokai, Expanded Second Edition: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520389564.
- ^ Suyama Shōteki/Hisamichi (陶山尚迪), art name Hizan (簸山) (9 month of Bunsei 1 /1818). Hakushū Unshū Jinko benwaku dan (伯州雲州人狐弁惑談, 'Discourse on the clarification of misunderstandings about the man-fox of Izumo Province and Hōki Province')
- ^ a b Foster 2024, p. 230.
- ^ a b c Hearn 1910, p. 231; [1896], p. 324
- ^ Smyers 1999, p. 90.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 214–215.
- ^ Miyake-Downey, Jean. "Ten Thousand Things". Kyoto Journal. Archived from the original on April 6, 2008.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 213–215.
- ^ Yonebayashi, T. (1964). "Kitsunetsuki (Possession by Foxes)". Transcultural Psychiatry. 1 (2): 95–97. doi:10.1177/136346156400100206. S2CID 220489895.
- ^ a b c d Sato, Yoneshi (1977). Inada, Kōji [in Japanese] (ed.). Nihon mukashibanashi jiten 日本昔話事典 (in Japanese). Kōbundō. pp. 250–251. ISBN 978-4-335-95002-5.
- ^ Hamel 1915, p. 90.
- ^ a b c Bathgate 2004, p. 34.
- ^ Nakamura 1997, pp. 103–104.
- ^ Cf. Nakamura's translation of the narrative.[128] and
- ^ a b Goff 1997, p. 67.
- ^ Bathgate 2004, p. 34: "prototype of a recurring motif.. the theme of the 'fox wife' kitsune nyōbo 狐女房".
- ^ Japanese texts: Nakata tr. 1975, translation, and also Nakata tr. 1978, Old Japanese, pp. 42–43 vs. modern Japanese translation, pp. 43–45.
- ^ a b c Nagata 1980, p. 78.
- ^ a b Nakamura 1997, p. 104, n3.
- ^ a b c d Nakamura 1997, pp. 104–105.
- ^ a b c d Watson 2013, pp. 14–15.
- ^ Hamel 1915, p. 89.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, p. 151.
- ^ Sanford 1991.
- ^ Yoshihiko Sasama. (1998) Kaii ・ kitsune hyaku monogatari 怪異・きつね百物語. pp. 1, 7, 12. Yuzankaku. ISBN 978-4639015444
- ^ a b c Watson 2013, "On a Contest between Two Women of Extraordinary Strength (2:4)", pp. 70–71
- ^ a b c d Bathgate 2004, p. 44.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, p. 21.
- ^ a b c d e f Nakano, Takeshi 中野猛. "Kaisetsu 解説 [Commentary] 4", in:Kyōkai [in Japanese] (1975). Nihon ryōiki 日本霊異記. 日本古典文学全集 6. Translated by Nakata, Norio [in Japanese]. Shogakukan. (Reprinted 1995)
- ^ Ashkenazy 2003, p. 150
- ^ Foster 2015, p. 294, n10.
- ^ [146]
- ^ a b Odanaka & Iwai 2020, Ch. 3.
- ^ Foster 2015, p. 180.
- ^ Leiter 2014.
- ^ Iguro 2005, p. 5.
- ^ de Visser 1908a, pp. 22–23.
- ^ Takahashi, Tōru [in Japanese] (1987). Mongatari bungei no hyōgenshi 物語文芸の表現史. Nagoya daigaku shuppankai. pp. 288–299. ISBN 9784930689740.
- ^ a b Bathgate 2004, pp. 65–66 and n33.
- ^ a b Kaneko 1975, p. 77.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 200, 204–206.
- ^ a b Smits 1996, p. 80.
- ^ a b Smits 1996, p. 83.
- ^ Turnbull, Stephen (2000). Nagashino 1575. Osprey. p. 12. ISBN 978-1-84176-250-0.
- ^ Nagata 1980, p. 77.
- ^ Addiss 1985, p. 132.
- ^ Vaux, Bert (December 1998). "Sunshower summary". Linguist. 9 (1795). A compilation of terms for sun showers from various cultures and languages.
- ^ Blust, Robert (1999). "The Fox's Wedding". Anthropos. 94 (4/6): 487–499. JSTOR 40465016.
- ^ Hamel 1915, pp. 91–92.
- ^ a b Nozaki 1961, pp. 169–170.
- ^ "Kōji" 柑子. Koji ruien 古事類苑 (in Japanese). Jingū shichō. 1896. pp. 408–409.
- ^ Kuroita, Katsumi [in Japanese], ed. (1929). "27.40. Kitsune, hito ni tsukite torareshi tama wo kaeshite on wo hōzuru koto" 巻27第40 狐託人被取玉乞返報恩語. Kokushi taikei 國史大系. Minshū shūkyōshi sōsho 民衆宗教史叢書 30 (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Yoshikawa kobunkan. pp. 857–859.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, pp. 33–35: "The Story of a Fox Repaying Kindness For Returning Its Treasured Ball"
- ^ Tyler 1987, pp. 299–300: "The Fox's Ball"
- ^ a b Bathgate 2004, p. 78.
- ^ Smyers 1999, pp. 126–127.
- ^ Bathgate 2004, p. 42.
- ^ Mozume 1916, p. 207.
- ^ Kiuchi Sekitei (1779), Second Part of Unkonshi (雲根志)}, Book 1, p. 26.[173]
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 183.
- ^ "The Fox Fire Returned by a Bishop".[175]
- ^ "Kitsune no hōshi no tama" 狐の法師の玉. Oki・Tōgo minwashū 隠岐・島後民話集 (in Japanese). Shimane daigaku mukashi banashi kenkyūkai. 1984. p. 88.
- ^ Inada, Kōji [in Japanese]; Ozawa, Toshio [in Japanese], eds. (1982). Nihon mukashibanashi tsūgan: Miyagi 日本昔話通観: 宮城 (in Japanese). Dohosha. ISBN 9784810406177.
- ^ Iikura, Yoshiyuki (March 2006). "Nazuke to chisiki no yōkai genshō: kesaranpasaran arui wa tensara pasara no 1970 nen-dai" 「名付け」と「知識」の妖怪現象―ケサランパサランあるいはテンサラパサラの一九七〇年代― (PDF). Kōshō bungaku kenkyū 口承文藝研究 (29): 130–131 and note 7.
- ^ Nichibunken (2002). "Shirogitsune no" シロギツネノホウジュノタマ. Yōkai database 怪異・妖怪伝承データベース. Retrieved 2025-03-12. The top data is from Fukushima 1991, followed by Byakko no hōshi no tama<!-ビャッコノホーシノタマ-->, Fukushima 1996, etc., followed by many different name headings.
- ^ Smyers 1999, pp. 112–114.
- ^ Wallen, Martin (2006). Fox. London: Reaktion Books. pp. 69–70. ISBN 9781861892973.
- ^ Nakata tr. 1978, p. 46.
- ^ Goff 1997, p. 68.
- ^ Iguro 2005, p. 3.
- ^ Takeshi Nakano[144] apud Nagata 1980, p. 84
- ^ Maruyama 1992, p. 52.
- ^ Akinori Maruyama[187] apud Iguro 2005, p. 2
- ^ de Visser 1908a, p. 32.
- ^ Smits 1996, pp. 83–84.
- ^ Nozaki 1961, p. 230.
- ^ Smyers 1999, p. 98.
- ^ Nakamura, Miri (2014). "Kitsune". In Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew (ed.). The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. pp. 358–360. ISBN 978-1-4724-0060-4.
- ^ "Metal Hammer UK issue 273". Metal Hammer. 2015-07-21. Retrieved 2015-08-14.
- ^ Johnson, Kij (2001). The Fox Woman. Tom Doherty. ISBN 978-0-312-87559-6.
- ^ Lackey, Mercedes; Edghill, Rosemary (2001). Spirits White as Lightning. Baen Books. pp. 91–. ISBN 978-0-671-31853-6.
- ^ Highbridge, Dianne (1999). In the Empire of Dreams. New York: Soho Press. ISBN 978-1-56947-146-3.
Works cited
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External links
[edit]Media related to Kitsune at Wikimedia Commons